You don't need more to dress better
Your digital wardrobe partner to help you make better decisions for you and the planet
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What we believe in
Our wardrobes are underutilised, yet we are buying more. We need to use more of what we own and make more informed buying decisions.

Who we are

We are fashion enthusiasts, who were tired of cycles of forgetting what we own, buying more, only to realise that we already owned something similar. We were tired of maintaining excels and notes of our items. We wanted to save our cool outfits in one place. We also wanted to understand exactly how much of our wardrobes we were using.

Your donations will help me invest in a new lens. Check a link to my full story in Artem Beliaikin

What we are building

What if we could plan our outfits without having to pull out items individually?
What if we didn't have to rely on memory to recall all the items in our closet?
What if we could track exactly what we use in our wardrobe?
What if someone could help us when we were stuck with too many clothes and nothing to wear?
Ponderiee is a digital fashion platform that enables you to digitise your wardrobe, create outfits, track usage and patterns while offering advise from what to wear to how to style items in your closet.

green clothes hangerby Keagan Henman
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We are launching soon. Sign up for the waitlist to get early access to Ponderiee.
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